Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Twas the Sunday before Christmas

Twas the Sunday before Christmas and all through the church house
Not a creature was stirring not even a church mouse.
The connection classes were canceled by the Ed staff with care,
except for the Preschool, they are always there.

The teachers were ready, all snug in their classes,
while visions of sweet children in their heads quietly passes.
With Lori in her apron, Anna and Kerri in their smocks,
had turned on the lights and unlocked all the locks.

When out in the foyer there arose such a clatter,
they sprung into action to check out the matter.
Away to the foyer they flew like a flash,
tore open the doors and threw out the trash.
The light from the sanctuary shown in through the doors
and lit up the foyer even the floors.

When what to their wondering eyes did they see,
but hundreds of preschoolers all filled with glee.
With a little old lady, not lively or quick,
they knew in a moment twas Miss Cathy and not ole St Nick.

More rapid than church mice, the children they came.
Cathy whistled and shouted and called them by name.
Now Reagan! Now Caleb! Now Audrey and Kate!
On, Jacob, on Carly! On Hudson and Tate!
To the Preschool, to the Theater, to the Studio run.
Now dash away! Dash away! We’re going for fun!

As dry leaves that before the hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the preschool the children did run,
with giggles and laughter looking for fun.
And then in a moment they stopped and oh how.
The oohs and the ahhs as they all just said WOW!
They turned their heads, and all spun around.
There were colors and wall hangings and stuff to be found.

There was red, blue and purple, some orange and some gold.
And it had fun things on the walls to behold.
A popcorn machine was popping some corn,
a play gym to climb on and toys for newborn.
Their cheeks were like roses, their nose like a cherry.
Mouths were wide open with nothing to howl,
Just one word would leave them, it was WOW!

The teachers were ready and greeted with smiles,
took off their jackets and laid them in piles.
They were dressed in their finest from head and to toe.
Their clothes were all pressed even the bows.

The Associates knew it had been worth it, the blood, sweat, and tears,
To renovate preschool they’d been waiting for years.
They listened as the teachers told about Jesus in a story,
And how He came in all of His glory.

Snacks for the kiddoes, noses and bottoms were clean,
for parents to pick up and praises to sing.
For the teachers who faithfully come each week,
for them we are grateful and more we do seek.

The lights were turned out
The Associates gave a shout
And away they all went
They were quite worn out.
But I heard them exclaim as they drove out of sight
Merry Christmas to WOW! and to WOW! A good night!

Have a great day in the Lord!