Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cathy’s Corner



Last spring I told some of you about my neighbor. I’ll catch everyone else up. She lost her husband last September to cancer. It will actually be a year next week. I can’t say I have been the best neighbor in the world. Pretty much when I get home I don’t venture out of the door until the next morning when I leave for work. Gary is the social neighbor in our family. He knew Jeannette’s husband, Ben. They would talk in the yard until he got sick. One morning when I was riding out of the driveway to come to church, Jeannette stopped me with car trouble. She was actually looking for Gary but he had already left. So, I helped her push her car out of the way so she could get the other one out of the garage. We talked for a few minutes and she shared a little about how hard it had been because Ben did everything. She got teary eyes and so did I.


Well, I felt like a really bad neighbor because I didn’t know her and I hadn’t checked on her. After that, God convicted me to be a better neighbor. So this summer I invited Jeannette to join a Bible study on Sunday afternoons at my house with my daughters, Diane Pierce and Debbie McDaniels who teach in preschool and a few other women, about twelve of us in all. She was so excited and jumped at the chance. She and I have visited several times during and since that time. I was going to invite her to the Ladies Dinner and hadn’t gotten around to it. Then Diane emailed and asked if I had yet. If not, she wanted to. Diane is such a great encourager, always sending cards and sweet emails. It was a reminder to me to go next door and ask Jeannette. Once again she was thrilled and accepted right away. She invited me in.  I got to see the room she had been painting. It was the first time she had ever painted and she was so proud. So we got to talk and visit again.


I just wanted you to know I was being a better neighbor.