Sunday, August 10, 2008

Connection Training Camp

What a great turnout we had for our Connection Training Camp. If you were unable to be here please get with your Preschool Associate and find out what you missed. Greg Love and Kim Norris did an outstanding job and we all know we need to have them back for others in our church to hear. Cathy Walkinshaw challenged us to reach our preschoolers and their families this year. We can start by being here Tuesday evening for all church outreach. We will have everything ready for you to go out and visit with the children in your class. Let’s have a huge turnout from our preschool area.

We will be hearing about Miracle Moments all year. Let me tell you about one I had this past week. Ann, Kerri, and Terrell Ann and I went to eat on Monday at Chipotle. Two young girls with their babies sat beside us and I went over and told them about our Teen Mops Ministry and that a lot of our young Moms are in their early twenties, which was what I kind of suspected their ages were. I invited them to join us. One of the girls actually was a member here and we were able to visit with them both for a few minutes. So see, it’s that easy. We can do it and once we get started it will be just as natural as walking to invite someone to church or to share Jesus Christ with them.

Next week is promotion and our pre-kindergarten and kindergarten will be moving back to their area. The painting is being completed and our new chairs and tables should be here this week. Unfortunately our other equipment and all of the finishing touches won’t be completed until mid to late October. But we will be able to get back into our original space. It will all be finished before long and we will be reaping the blessings of a gracious donor.

We are starting our year out better than we have in a long time. We need a total of 159 people to have a successful Sunday morning. At this writing we have 152 leaders signed up, but before you get too excited what that means is 152 people have signed up to be either permanent full time or part time. In order to be completely staffed we need 32 more people. I misquoted last week at our connection training. Some of the people we had are not full time teachers. Please pray that they will commit to being full time. Just think if everyone we had signed up were committed to being here every week we would only need 7 people to completely staff our preschool Ministry. Wouldn’t that be incredible? I’d stand on top of the church and sing the Hallelujah Chorus? But still needing 8 at 9:15 and 24 at 10:45 is a far cry from where we have been. So please be praying for more people to become involved and to join our team. If you have an opening in your class, please pray for a teacher to join you and then ask someone, a parent or someone else you know. Tell them you are alone and need a teacher and the children in your class need them. Also don’t forget to line up your permanent substitute now. Ask your parents and tell them you will be calling on them from time to time when you have to be out.
It’s starting out to be a great year and I believe God is going to be bringing lots of kids and families our way. So let’s be ready by being on time, having smiles on our faces, and cheerful greetings and kind words in our hearts, ready to share the love of Jesus Christ.

Have a great day in the Lord.