Cathy’s Corner
It’s already looking like a busy summer and I’m sure yours is no exception. Vacations are a break from the normal things going on in our day to day lives and a time to relax and just forget about the every day stress of life. That’s what vacations are supposed to be like anyway. I’ve been on a few that would have tried the patience of Job. I mean really how much of a vacation is ten hours in a mini van with five, seven, nine and fifteen year old children? How many times can they ask, “Are we there yet?” How many times can four children say, “I have to go to the bathroom” and never at the same time? After arriving at the condo on the beach that a very gracious friend loaned you it’s time to unload all the suitcase, the ice chest, the floaties, the sun screen, the toys brought to entertain and everything else that wasn’t nailed down back home. You would have thought you were moving across country. The condo has a pool so as soon as the kids see it they ask if they can go swimming. “Of course not” you say, “We have to unload everything and unpack.” Once inside the condo and they realize the beach is just outside they ask if we they go to the beach. “Of course” you say, “as soon as we unload and unpack everything.” Then come blowing up all of the floaties, air mattresses and digging out the boogie boards from the closet. Everyone then needs to put on their swim suits and lather down with sun screen. Of course there are those who say they put it on and you are sure they did. Then the trek down to the beach with the air mattresses, boogie boards, floaties, ice chest and oh yeah the kids. Set up on the beach and get things fixed just right so you have a birds eye view of the ocean that will wash all of your cares away. The kids are running to the water as you remind them to put on the floaties, of course the seven and nine year old are incredulous that you would even suggest they wear them.
Have a great day in the Lord and a great summer