Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Procedures

In the last couple of months the Preschool staff and I have been discussing procedures for Sunday mornings in case of fire, inclement weather and other things. I met with Bradley Thomas and told him of my concerns. In light of recent events, it only affirmed to us that we were headed in the right direction. I am working on writing these out and compiling them so that we can post them in each classroom. I would hope we would never have to use them, but we need to be prudent and prepared for anything that might happen. With Spring upon us, we all know that inclement weather can happen at any time. Fortunately, it has not happened on a Sunday morning up to this point. We will be compiling procedures for three separate cases: Fire Evacuation (which you should have marked exits displayed in your rooms); Inclement Weather procedures; and Crisis procedure. Obviously our fire procedures would be to explain what you would do to evacuate each age group of children in case of fire. Evacuating babies and toddlers is different than the rest of Preschool. Inclement weather in our area usually means tornado warnings. We will outline just where you would go with your class of children. Fortunately, part of our buildings are built under ground. That is a safety plus for us. Crisis procedures would cover a number of things but pretty much anything that doesn’t relate to fire or weather. It would be to protect our preschoolers and teachers from any other threat that might be on our campus. We will also send these procedures to our parents so they will be aware of what we do and can rest assured that their children are being taken care of in case of any emergency. The last thing we need is several hundred parents rushing our buildings to pick up their children when the safer thing for them and their children is to follow their own procedures. But as a Mother I understand that the first thing you think of is getting to your children and making sure they are safe and sound. So by making our parents aware of our procedures ahead of time, we can divert additional emergencies. I just wanted you to be aware that we are working on these. They will be coming soon and will be posted in your classrooms. When we do get them, we will all want to know what the procedures are for each classroom or area you might be in. Coordinators and greeters will have different responsibilities than classroom teachers but will be assisting in every way. We will have clear cut guidelines and a chain of command so that every consideration is taken into account and the safest possible procedure is followed. If you have any suggestions or insight you would like to share with me, I would be glad to receive it. You can email me at Thank you for all you do to not only teach our preschoolers about Jesus but to ensure their safety while here on campus. I cannot tell you often enough or too much how much I appreciate each and every one of you and how privileged I am to serve alongside you.

Every week you have all of the resources, supplies and snacks you need to teach your class. Each week you walk into your classroom expecting it to be there and poof, there they are! Behind the scenes is Kimlyn Nichols, our Resource Coordinator. Kimlyn takes her job very seriously. We could not function nearly as efficiently as we do without her. I have never seen anyone put as much heart and soul into their job as she does. She is out and about each week ordering and purchasing the supplies we need to make Preschool run. She reads the curriculum for all three areas and age groups and decides which craft will be the best for you to teach your lesson. I appreciate all of her hard work and her sweet spirit. Please send Kimlyn a note this week and let her know you appreciate her too.

Have a great day in the Lord!