Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cathy’s Corner


What is it about this time of year? Excitement is in the air because schools about to get started, kids are looking forward to new school supplies and maybe some new clothes. Moms are excited because the kids are going back to school. Dads are excited because Moms are excited. Teachers are busy getting curriculum, supplies, classrooms and everything else ready for new students. It’s a fresh new start for everyone. Even if you get your older brother’s or sister’s hand me downs they are still new to you. Everyone has the same opportunity on the first day to start a new school year and it’s a clean canvas. It’s up to you to paint the picture for the rest of the year.

It’s much the same way here at church. We are getting ready for a new Connection year. Our preschoolers will be promoting. Kindergarten will now be in first grade. Pre-kindergarten will now be entering into kindergarten. Four year olds will move to the Studio. Two year olds will move up to the second floor of the Theater. We have some teachers going back to their adult connection class, some teachers have moved to other areas of responsibility. Did you know that over 100 of you are staying to serve in preschool this next year? Isn’t that fantastic? I am so excited about you continuing to be a part of laying a spiritual foundation in preschool. Then we have over 40 new teachers joining us for the next year. Isn’t that fantastic as well? We are so close to being completely staffed that I can hardly stand it. I can almost taste it. I told Gary that in twenty years of being on staff that here at First Euless is the only place we have never been completely staffed going into a new Bible study year. I realize we need twice as many teachers to begin with but we also have twice as many members in the congregation. But I think I’d stand on the top of the church and sign the hallelujah chorus if we started with a full slate of teachers on August 16th. I’d dance a jig, I’d eat a worm, well lets not get carried away here, no worms. But I would be so thrilled I probably wouldn’t be able to speak. That’s incentive enough for those who have to be around me for very long. So be praying because all we need is less than forty people to be able to do that. Forty may sound like a lot but not when we need a total of 177 to make each Sunday morning happen. Ask your friends to join you, invite a parent to teach their child’s class, find someone who has been sitting in adult Bible study for way too long to join us. I guarantee God will bless their socks off.

I hope you are planning on being here this evening. We are going to have a great time. The Associates and I have been working hard to prepare for this time of training and hopefully you are going to have some fun while we do it. It’s never a dull moment when you get all of us together. We hope to have your new class rolls unless we run into a problem like last year, but at this writing things look like we will have them for you. We hope to contact every one of our preschoolers before august 16th. The best time to do that as a group will be August 11th at 6:30 during Outreach. Come at 6:00 and get a quick meal and then we will go out in teams and you can visit some of the children in your class. Classes that have teachers both hours can divide and conquer. If you have twenty on the class roll then that’s only five children each to contact. I do hope you will be here tonight; there are lots of things we need to share with you in a limited amount of time, so be here early. The early bird gets the WORM. Thanks for your servant’s heart.


Have a great day in the Lord