Cathy’s Corner
What we all think we need more of is time. But really we don’t; we just need to make wise use of the time we have. Sometimes that means giving time to others. Here is an acronym I came across this week for time that might come in handy for you.
T is for Touch
Being touched by the right person, at the right time, and in the right way can make a person feel very good. Human touch can actually improve mental and physical health. An appropriate touch can go a long way toward communicating love and acceptance. The well-timed touch on the arm, pat on the hand, squeeze of the shoulder or platonic hug can improve a person’s outlook. It may be the only touch they receive.
I is for inspiration
We all need inspiration. We need to know why we are toiling and sweating and sometimes putting up with difficult situations or people. Attending a class that encourages you, teaching these precious preschoolers or attending a worship service can be the inspiration you need to help you get through a difficult time.
M is for Motivation
Two sources can be used to motivate people. The first is training that is specific to what they do or for what stage they are at in life. If you can find a good seminar, conference, book, class or CD that will help you do a better job, it can go a long way to help motivate you. The second is stories of life changes. All I have to do is look around at our Young Moms by Choice to see that there are life changes going on. I could tell story after story of the changes in these young men and women and the growth they are experiencing. Anytime someone can share about a challenging time in their life and how God got them through it encourages me. Knowing someone else has gotten through a difficult situation motivates me to hang in there.
E is for Encouragement
The best encouragement for any of us is when someone else takes the time to listen to us. Take the time to find out about people’s families, hobbies, and interests, and in the process, listen to their hearts. Listening makes a person feel special and valued. We all need someone who will listen to us. I have enjoyed getting to know some of the girls in our Young Moms group because I have been meeting with them one on one. I am learning about them, their families, their interests and what their needs are and how I can help. I’m giving them my time.
Have a great day in the Lord!