Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cathy’s Corner


Here we are waiting for a baby again. Cassandra is due March 25 but she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes several months ago and they told her she would probably be induced two to three weeks early. Last week the doctor put her to bed because of her blood pressure. The last two check ups they told her they would talk to her about inducing the next week. So each week she goes in expecting to be given a date but when you see a different doctor each time it seems like no one knows what the doctor the previous week told her. So here it is two weeks before her due date and we are waiting. There is nothing wrong with waiting and going to your due date, but when you are told all along that you will deliver two to three weeks early you kind of get that in your mind and expect it. So we are waiting. I think it would be awesome for him to be born tomorrow for several reasons which by the way I’m writing this on March 11th because I plan on taking spring break off. So tomorrow is actually March 12th and one of my very dear friend’s birthdays, I am off on Friday so I can be with her and it starts spring break which gives me an entire week to help her out after having the baby. So in my humble opinion March 12th seems to be a great day for Jackson Scott to make his debut.

Waiting for grandbabies is really a lot of fun. When you are waiting for the ones that live far off, there is a bit of added stress/excitement wondering if you are going to get there in time. You can make the baby showers and go shopping together when they are home or you go there but usually you don’t get to go to any doctor’s visits and you don’t really get to see them pregnant very much. Waiting for grandbabies that live close by you get to share in the baby showers, shopping, the doctor’s visits watch their changing shape and are fairly sure you will get to the hospital in time when the time comes. Just like when Kiersten would call close to her due date I find myself answering Cassandra’s phone calls with anticipation of her telling me it’s time or asking me if I think she is in labor. What a beautiful experience to share with my children and I can’t wait to be able to tell the grandbabies about the day they were born and what all went on. God has blessed us with three beautiful daughters and daughter-in-law, and a great son and two son-in-laws.

 This is one of the best parts of being a parent; you get to be a grandparent. You get to share the experience of the miracle of a child coming into the world with your own child. You get to watch that tiny little life disrupt your children’s life the way they did yours. Okay I was kidding somewhat on that one, but you get my drift. Everything you think you knew about parenting goes out the window and God teaches you all these wonderful new lessons through your children. Like how a simple little smile from their sweet face when you know they have recognized you can melt your heart. How material things that you thought were so important before they came don’t seem to matter as much anymore. How you can do without and on a lot less so that your child can have what they need. How someone can hurt you, insult you and treat you very bad but if they so much as look the wrong way at your child there will be serious consequences to pay. How teaching them about Jesus is the most important thing I could do. I love my children; and I didn’t deserve to get to be there Mother. But I am so glad that God chose me to have been blessed by each one of them. I am so blessed to be a Mema too and look forward to all those lessons God is going to teach me through the grandbabies. So right now, Tex, Jax and baby girl Jones I love you and can’t wait to teach you about Jesus and how much He loves you.

Have a great day in the Lord