Welcome to the first Sunday of a new Bible Study year. If it is like most then your morning was crazy and hectic. You met new children and their parents and you are learning a new schedule and how to do things in preschool. We have many returning teachers that will be glad to share any of their “veteran” experience with you and we have around 60 new teachers, coordinators and greeters joining us for this year. Thank you for your commitment to our preschool ministry and families. I can’t tell you how much it means to your Preschool Associates and me to start off a new year with so many permanent teachers for our children. They need the consistency of the same familiar faces each week and to know that there is someone who loves them and cares enough about them to be here every week for them. Currently we have 152 leaders in preschool. If all of our current leaders were permanent weekly leaders we would only need 7 additional teachers to be fully staffed. So if you are a part-time teacher, please pray and consider becoming a permanent fulltime teacher for our children. I assure you the blessings you will receive will be abundant. If you know of anyone to ask please do so and let them know we need 5 teachers at 9:15 and 23 at 10:45.Thank you so much for investing your time and your life into the lives of these children. What a huge difference it will make to them as you teach them about Jesus and His love for them. Thank you for your gift of service.
My daily devotionals last week were about spiritual gifts. This is what it had to say about stewardship.
Paul says,"All things are yours…and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God" (I Corinthians 3:22-23). We have all things because we are united to Christ, and Christ is united with God the Father. But we are not owners; we are stewards, or managers, of what God has given us. We belong to Him. We are stewards of the mysteries of God, that is, the truths that have been revealed in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful” (4:2). Our lives and all that we posses have been entrusted to us, and someday we will have to give an account of how well we have managed them. There is no time that is ours, no talent that is ours, no portion of money that is ours; it all belongs to him. He made it all and simply entrusted it to us for His service. It doesn’t matter what others think of our stewardship. It doesn’t even matter what we think of ourselves. We can have a clear conscience, but that doesn’t make us innocent. It is the Lord who judges us.
“You may say to yourself,” ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” (Deut. 8:17-18).
We are called to be not only the stewards of the results of our labor, but also stewards of the labor itself. Kingdom stewardship is like the Stradivari society, which entrusts superb violins into the hands of artists who make great music. God has given us time, talents and treasures. They remain His property, but they are to be used by us to bring him glory.
Thank you for choosing to use your time and talents to teach the treasures that Christ has entrusted us with this year. You are being used for His glory. You are making a huge investment in the lives of children and helping lay a spiritual foundation for each of them. Thank you for your gift of service.
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