Monday, February 8, 2010

Cathy’s Corner


My Grandmother passed away January 27th.She was 100 years, eight months and two days old. That’s over ten years longer than my Granddad lived and twenty-six years longer than my Mother lived. Up until Thanksgiving she was as sharp-as-a-tack and in reasonably good health. She took medicine for a heart condition she had for at least thirty years, and as far as I know, she only had surgery once which was about twenty-five years ago. We celebrated her 100th birthday last May.

Why do some people live to be a hundred and others can’t make it to 60? How do some people have very few health problems and others are riddled with one after another? How can some people have an incredible memory and clarity of mind and others end up in a vegetative state for years? I don’t have the answers to these questions; I’m just thinking out loud. For the last couple of days people have told me how sorry they are. But I’m not sad. I feel bad for my Uncle and Aunt, her two surviving children. They all three lived together. My Uncle took care of my Grandmother and my Aunt who has terminal cancer. My Uncle has given tirelessly and unselfishly for the last few years while caring for them in his home. I just keep thinking, how can we be sad. Yes, we will miss her and there will be emptiness in our hearts. We can’t talk to her anymore, but she lived a long, full life. Her reward was awaiting her in heaven. She was able to see and live so much life and see so many changes in our world. She lived through the Great Depression; she raised four children and had eleven grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren and thirteen great-great grandchildren with one great grandchild and two great-great grandchildren due in the next few months. I believe her quiver was full.

So how can I really be sad? I’m happy for her. Her body was worn out and she is in heaven now with Jesus, her husband, two of her children, her parents and her two sisters. She has a new body that doesn’t creak, leak or squeak. She can touch her toes, see without corrective lenses, run rather than inch along with a walker, and listen to the angels sing. She gets to be with Jesus every day. How can you be sad about that? She lived through so many good and bad things. How many people can say they lived to see as many changes and advances in the world as she did? But she is receiving her just reward. She gets to live in a mansion in heaven, walk streets of gold and join the hallelujah chorus. I’m thinking she wouldn’t come back if she could. I wouldn’t.

My great-Grandmother laid a spiritual foundation in my Grandmother’s life who laid a spiritual foundation in my Mother’s life who then laid a spiritual foundation in mine. I have laid that same foundation in my children’s lives and am looking forward to helping do the same for my grandchildren. So that’s five generations that are building on a spiritual foundation. Prayerfully that foundation will continue to build for generations to come.

So here’s to the legacy that has been passed on in my family and to all who reach the 100 year milestone.



Have a great day in the Lord!


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