Cathy’s Corner
Being a Godly parent
Never underestimate the ponderings of a Christian parent. Never underestimate the power that comes when a parent pleads with God on behalf of a child. Who knows how many prayers are being answered right now because of the faithful ponderings of a parent ten or twenty years ago? God listens to thoughtful parents.
Praying for our children is a noble task. If what we are doing, in this fast-paced society, is taking us away from prayer time for our children, we’re doing too much. There is nothing more special, more precious than time that a parent spends struggling and pondering with God on behalf of a child. Max Lucado - Walking With the Savior
Know and believe today that the Lord is God. He is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other god! Obey his laws and commands that I am giving you today so that things will go well for you and your children. Then you will live a long time in the land that the Lord your God is giving to you forever. Deuteronomy 4:39-40.
I attended a conference this past week and the basis of the entire conference was on Deuteronomy 6. As parents and grandparents we have been given a command to teach our children and grand children who God is, that they should love Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength, and to follow Him all of their days. We can’t do that if we aren’t walking with Him ourselves. If we tell them that they need to go to church, read their Bible and pray yet we drop them off at church and don’t attend ourselves, never crack our Bible or bow our head then we’ve taught them that it really doesn’t matter.
Working with our young mom’s ministry has opened my eyes to so many things. I see these girls as lost souls searching for someone to love them and to show them some attention. They need a parent interceding on their behalf, someone praying fervently for them and over them. In most cases their parents have taught them they are unimportant and other things matter more than they do. Actions speak louder than words in most cases and when we model one thing and speak another, those actions usually have a much louder voice. Prayer however can speak volumes louder than anything else. The words of a parent interceding for a child go straight tot the heart of God. I began praying for my children before they were even born and for their future spouse. I started praying for the grandkids as soon as I knew they were on their way. I’ve seen God intervene many times in the lives of my children and I believe He heard my prayers. I’ve felt God’s presence and comfort so many times over the years as I have pleaded on one of my children’s behalf. My prayers may not have been answered the way I wanted every time but they were answered the way God thought best, and as Romans 8:28 states, He works all things out for good. You may still have children at home and are just beginning to grow your family; I encourage you to intercede on their behalf everyday. Those with older children lift them up to God everyday and your grandchildren as well. God hears are prayers and they make a difference in the lives of our children.
Have a great day in the Lord
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